Woman I know you understand The little child inside of the man, Please remember my life is in your hands And woman hold me close to your heart, However distant don't keep us apart, After all it is written in the stars...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Blind Date Secrets

5 tips to ensure you both have a great time
by: Jake Markus

So you’re going on a blind date. Few dating scenarios are as nerve wracking, and you’ve probably heard lots of horror stories about miserable blind dates. Your blind date doesn’t have to be a disaster, though, if you follow a few simple suggestions to help it be more successful.

Prepare Yourself

Communication experts say that we commonly form an impression of someone new within the first four minutes of meeting them. The first impression you make will set the stage for the entire blind date so prepare in advance to make a good one. Choose clothes that are appropriate for the date, not too revealing or strange. Get a fresh haircut, trim your fingernails, and shine your shoes if needed. On the day of date itself, allow plenty of time to get ready and allow extra travel time to wherever the two of you are meeting.

Where To Go And What To Do

Plan the date for a neutral location, preferably one where there will be a number of other people. When you don’t know the other person it’s not safe to meet in private, plus if you’re in a fairly active location it’s easier to disengage yourself from the date if necessary.

Most dating experts recommend that a blind date not be centered on a meal. If the date isn’t going well and you’re having dinner, you have to stick it out longer than if you’re meeting for coffee. There’s also the cost factor to consider. If either person is investing a lot of money in the date activity that puts more intense pressure on both people.

The First Meeting

Arrive a little early, make sure you’re neatly dressed, and step forward with a polite greeting and hand shake. Remember to smile and be friendly, even if you feel nervous. If you’re a man, open doors, hang up her coat, and pull out her chair if you’re sitting down. If you’re a woman and your date does these things for you, say thank you and enjoy being treated with good manners.

Making Conversation

Getting the conversation started and keeping it going is important to the success of your date. Remember those experts who said a first impression is formed in less than four minutes? They also tell us that communication is based on much more than just words. In fact, when you’re talking with your date the words you use only account for 7% of the total communication occurring. Your tone of voice accounts for 38% of your message and body language accounts for the remaining 55%.

Ending The Date

When the date comes to an end, thank the other person and say something general like “I enjoyed meeting you.” If things went really well then you can indicate if you’d like to date him or her again. If things didn’t go so well then don’t say you’ll call, or that maybe you could get together again sometime. This will create a false impression in the other person and simply avoids the truth.

If you don’t want to see the other person again, it’s okay to say so politely. Saying something like “I think we don’t have a lot in common” is much kinder than saying “I’ll call you” and then not calling. Always be kind, though, and make every effort to spare his or her feelings as much as possible.


9 Secrets

To Pampering Yourself in a Pinch

There are women all over this country who feel like they've lost themselves somewhere along the way of life. While their reasons are many, the answers are all the same, ? There?s just not enough time in the day for me.?

Without adding that 25th (or even 26th or 27th) hour to your day, there are little things you can do to incorporate the four R?s (we?ll get to these later) of pampering into your daily routine. Remember when you had all day to and for yourself? You?d sit and perhaps do your hair or nails for hours. Boy were those the days. That was then though and this is now. Whether it?s your career, children, or other priorities, taking time out for you is more essential than what you think.

When you feel good, you have the ability to make those around you feel good. If you feel dreadful and unoptimistic about yourself, those around you will of course pick up on this. For example, have you ever noticed the mom at the supermarket who seems frazzled that all three of her children just happen to be misbehaving at the same time? This is usually because they?ve picked up on her stress and went with it. One is crying in the front of the cart and two are at the end of the aisle fighting while the mom is all but losing it trying to find her credit card or checkbook to pay for her groceries and hightail it out of there.

Feeling good and feeling good about yourself definitely has its benefits. To you, and those around you. For some reason, thinking about pampering yourself in this light helps us to place a priority on it. If we feel it will help us take care of our family better, do our jobs better, or be a better person, we?re all for it.

Taking time out to relax, refresh, renew, and revitalize doesn?t have to mean three hours a day for complete alone time. Here are ten little ways in which you can incorporate them into your daily life:

1. While running errands, or doing yard work, play a relaxing CD rather than an upbeat one. This will not only soothe your mind, but your soul as well. (This trick works will young children and falling asleep or calming down in the vehicle as well.)

2. While the children are napping or getting ready to come home from school, grab a quick face mask, apply, and then lay back in silence for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off the mask, and get ready for a great second-half of the day.

3. Have a home office? A plug-in scent diffuser with essential oils will help with little whiffs of pleasantness throughout the day. Do a little research on which oils appeal to you and you are on your way. If plug-ins aren?t your thing, all-natural candles and scents may be just way you need.

4. After the children are in bed, hubby is busy or not home for the evening, seize this opportunity for all its worth. Grab a relaxing CD, some candles, and go draw a nice warm bath. Soak for at least 15-30 minutes in the dark. Afterward, you?ll still have time for sugar scrubs or any other products you rarely get to use.

5. Warm up a spa neck pillow and watch some TV while your senses unwind.

6. Keep your favorite sugar scrub next to your hand soap and give yourself a mini-manicure. This literally takes less than thirty seconds and gives your hands the go signal for the rest of the day.

7. When stressed to the max, secure yourself a ME time block. This can be day or night, weekend or weekday. No one is going to regret that you need a break. Personal coaches that cost thousands of dollars to obtain, place this first on their list of things to do for their clients. You are getting the information for free. Save the money and purchase some new pampering goodies.

8. Drink lots of water and walk. Water helps flush your system of impurities and walking helps keep your physically and mentally refreshed. Offer to walk the dog from now on or if you are already the family dog-walker, make it a point to think about all the things in your life that make you happy or you are blessed with. Make your walks positive with a rule of no negative thoughts.

9. Quick showers are great refreshers, but what if you life depends on how quickly you can get in and out? Sugar scrubs are a great 30-second revitalizer. Apply all over after washing and just allow shower to rinse it away. The shine and softness will last all day long and you?ll feel and smell great.

Pampering your body and soul are self-created. No one can do this for you. However, the benefits are multiple and you deserve it.

About The Author
Angela Strosnider is the Marcom Director for SpaGirl Parties, Inc. ? - She prides herself on creating ways women can enjoy being themselves by instilling the importance of pampering into everyday life.



The Temporary Wrinkle Solution
by: Harald Anderson

Botox has made a huge splash in the health and beauty market because of its ability to erase and minimize wrinkles. The stunning success of the BOTOX solution has had beauty enthusiasts lining up to receive their wrinkle treatments. Are botox treatments safe? After all BoTOX is a protein toxin produced by clostridium botulinum bacteria. This is the first cousin to the deadly botulism bacteria.

Botox has been safely used by opthamoligists for over a decade without any serious side effects being reported. This drug has actually been around since the early 1960’s. Originally it was used as a treatment for crossed eyes. The manner in which botox works is that it is injected into the muscle where the wrinkles appear. When the botox is injected into the muscle the frown lines, crow’s feet and laugh lines temporarily disappear. I stress the use of the word “temporary” because a botox treatment normally lasts about 3 to 6 months. Botox treatments were approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a treatment of muscles that produce frown lines.

Botox injections have quickly become the fastest growing cosmetic procedure and are anticipated to be used on over 4.5 million patients in 2006. They are more popular than breast augmentation. Current botox patients report that after several treatments that the effects of this wrinkle cure last much longer. It is important to note that Botox is ineffective for fine wrinkles because fine wrinkles do not appear because of facial expression caused by facial muscles.

On the flipside, the one negative of botox treatments is a slight and temporary drooping of the eyelid. At the present time this appears to be the most important side effect of botox treatment.

While botox has been safely used by millions of patients, it is recommended that pregnant women, or women who are breastfeeding their babies as well as patients suffering from neurologic disease should never use botox.

Botox treatments do not work for everyone. However, over 90% of patients who have been surveyed are extremely happy with this procedure. This temporary cure for wrinkles has created quite a bit of excitement in the health and beauty field. This procedure is administered by qualified plastic surgeons. The average cost for a simple botox treatment is about $200 - $400 for each area that it is applied to.

About the author:
Ricardo Sanchez Gonzalez is an active health and beauty enthusiast and the webmaster for He is also a botox patient who is very enthused by the results that botox treatments bring about.