Woman I know you understand The little child inside of the man, Please remember my life is in your hands And woman hold me close to your heart, However distant don't keep us apart, After all it is written in the stars...

Friday, April 18, 2008

How to keep the passion aflame

by: Jake Markus

The honeymoon is over. Maybe you’ve been together a few months, a few years, or even a lot of years. At some point, though, the early flames of passion will fade and you’ll start looking for ways to reignite them.

You’re in luck, then, because that’s exactly what this article is about!

1. Have Fun Together

Remember the fun times you had when you first started dating? You laughed, you played, and you spent time enjoying each other’s company. There’s no reason for the fun to stop just because you’ve been together for a while. Think about some of these options:

- Collect cartoons or jokes that your spouse will enjoy

- Play a game together, like checkers or backgammon

- Do something unexpected to surprise your spouse

- Do a puzzle together

- Make popcorn and watch a favorite movie

2. Be Romantic

What did you used to do when the two of you were romancing each other? Jump start the romance by going back to some of those previous activities that generated warm feelings. Maybe you used to:

- Eat dinner by candlelight

- Hide a love note in your spouse’s lunch

- Build a fire and relax in front of it

- Take walk in the moonlight

3. Go Back To Dating

One way to jump start your relationship is to “date” each other again. Add to the fun by calling to ask each other out, and the one doing the asking then plans the date. To make it more challenging, set a budget limit for the date. You’d be amazed at how much fun it is to be creative and plan a date for $30 or less.

Once you’re on the date, treat each other as you did when you were first getting acquainted. Men, open the car door for your lady. Women, put on a special dress and flirt with your gentleman.

4. Do The Little Things

The day to day grind of life can really wear you down, and at those times paying attention to the little things gets harder. It’s more important then ever, though, that you make the extra effort to do the little things that your spouse will really appreciate. You could:

- Make a point to give your spouse a hug and a kiss each morning before you leave and each evening when you get home

- Remember to say please and thank you

- Pick the chore your spouse dislikes the most, and do it for him or her without being asked

- Say “I love you” often, not just when you think it’s expected

5. Be Physical

We’re not just talking about sex. Being physical means touching her arm, holding his hand, offering a gentle caress or neck rub after a tough day. And when the two of you do move towards having sex, don’t just turn out the lights and get on with it every time. Seduce each other a bit, light some candles and take a bubble bath together. As pleasurable as sex is, doing the same thing the same way every time gets boring so spice things up a bit and you’ll be amazed at what will happen.

About The Author:
Adam and Drew's Dating Tips has a large variety of free articles that have been written by consulting 'experts' in the dating, flirting and relationship fields. Find out more at


The male orgasm

In the past years sex has changed from the simple sex between couples either married, engagae or dating. It was just the simple forplay of touching and kissing of the lips and neck. Over the years it evelpved into more foreplay where men and women can find that sensual feeling from just the tongue and the fingers.

It even changed in the way of not being something of true feelings and emotions and love. Now it is mainly about pleassure and ability to perform at your best. Now it is a simbol that is shown as an important aspect of every human being who know about the aspects of sex and also who have the ability of prforming this act.

In this century of sexually explicit ideas and products the simple orgasm was mainly intended for the female body. Where most products onthe market give rise to satisfying a woman's body. The human body has many different nerve points and the all are aroused in sexual acts. The feeling a woman gets when she has an orgasm.

Now in my own sexual encounters i am what u would call a blosoming rose of this sexuall influenced world. As a woman i speak for all womaen when i say having and orgasm is a feeling of utter satisfaction. The only way i can explain it to you is the feeling of every nerve in your body pulling at the same time which cause u to make that sunsual noise that turns a man on.

I have found the new wave of the woman's sexual ability it does not involve any sex but im tell u now this will revolutionise the hold woman will have over men. There is a spot i have found on the male body that can give him the feeling that women get when they are experiencing an orgasm. Bellow the stomach close to the hip bone use your tongue and lick jently, don't stop and he will experience the most devine feeling ever he will have no controll over anything not even to stop u. This i call the male orgasm.

About the author:a girl from the little caribbean country of trinidad exploring her life at every angle


Female Libido Booster Provestra

Many women wish that they could increase their sex life and better satisfy their partner. Provestra has made the claim to be able to enhance the sex life of women by taking Provestra. A good life in bed can often strengthen the relationship between partners. Provestra is supposed to enable women to enjoy better sex with their partners.

Provestra is designed exclusively for females, and is made up of naturally occurring herbal ingredients. The herbal substances are chosen to rectify problems connected to hormonal imbalances and other hindrances for an improved sex life. The instructions that comes with Provestra suggests that one tablet should be taken each day. The price is about $50 for a months supply.

Provestra Information

The manufacturers of Provestra claim that the product has many positive effects. Here are some of them:

Intensifies sexual sensations

Increases fertility

More enjoyable sex

Engorgement and blood circulation to the clitoris increase

More frequent sexual desire

Other advantages manufacturers of Provestra claims are associated with its use:

Uses only natural ingredients to enhance female libido

Increases orgasm frequency and intensity

Helps strengthening and toning female uterine and sexual systems

Enhances sexual response and female sensitivity

Has no side effects

Some of the ingredients used in Provestra are:

Licorice Root

Red raspberry leaf

Valerian root

Ginger root

Red Clover


Cayenne Pepper

Damiana leaf

Black Cohosh Root

Side Effects
Because of the herbal origin of the ingredients, the product is completely natural. There are no reported harmful side effects. However, there have been some reported instances where women have complained about an increase in breast size after using Provestra for an extended period of time. It is advised that the supplement is bought from an authentic site.

How Provestra works
The herbal ingredients are claimed to relate to the sexual cycle of a woman. The different elements of herbal ingredients act differently, while some may balance hormones, other ingredients increase the blood flow to the genitals. The tablet are said to not only increase sex drive, but also deepen sexual climaxes and level of arousal.

About The Author
Andreas Henderson is an avid researcher of female libido enhancement programs including Provestra and runs a successful website dedicated to debunking various libido enhancement programs for customers benefit. For great free female libido enhancement tips, discount offers and more, see Henderson's site at


7 Ways to Drive a Man Wild

by: Caterina Christakos

It's unbelievable the amount of bad advice there is out there on how to seduce a man or if they give you advice they forget to tell you how to use it properly. So here are a couple of tips on what to do and what not to do to drive a man wild and an instruction manual.

1) Dress in a way that makes you feel sexy and also flatters your figure. Let's face it some of us look ridiculous in stilettos. Red is almost always a good color. Try a red slinky dress and comfortable undergarments. Those torture devices they sell to suck in our guts look great under the dress but are not sexy at all when you are trying to yank them off for a wild night of pleasure.

2) Pay attention to what he has to say for a change. Yes you can talk about yourself but a man finds it really refreshing when a woman allows him to have his own time in the spotlight.

3) Don't talk about your ex. If he asks, keep it short and sweet. You are starting fresh with this guy. No need to bring in the ghost of past relationships. You are perfect to him in the beginning. There is no reason to make him wonder if the last guy who dumped you was right.

4) Wear a light attractive scent. This means layering scents. Bathe in scented bath oils first. Then apply a light powder in the same scent. Finally spray the same scented perfume in front of you and walk into the mist. Do this about 45 minutes before you see him. If you overpower him with your scent, instead of wanting to edge a bit closer he will be running for the nearest exit.

5) If you bring him back to your place make sure it is dimly lit. Soft lighting minimizes lines and wrinkles and gives your skin a bit of a glow. Keep candles handy or lamps that have adjustable lighting. In soft lighting you can be his dream woman and you can feel a thousand times better about undressing in front of him.

6) Do a strip tease for him. Now I am not talking about a ten dollar hooker strip tease. I mean a slow undressing. Have him lie on the bed to watch, as you slowly slip out of your dress, then your undies and finally your stockings and shoes. Make him wait a bit.

7) Explore his body in detail. Consider it a five course meal. Drive him absolutely wild by discovering all the hidden spots he didn't even know existed. Most women just lie there and let the guy do all the work. Participate and you have just blown past most of the women he has had sex with.

About the author: Caterina is a published writer and dating coach. Learn even more seduction tips now. Go to:


Adultery as Sexual Addiction

Should You Stay Married?
by: Dr. Robert Huizenga
I outline 7 kinds of affairs in my E-book, "Break Free From the Affair." One affair, "I Can't Say NO!" is characterized by addictive tendencies. Infidelity (as well as pornography, strip clubs, online chatting, compulsive masturbation, etc.) may be a part of the sexual addiction.

Often the spouse or partner of a sexually addicted person intuitively knows of the addiction and the struggle his/her partner has with the behavior.

The partner often "feels for" his/her partner and is in a great quandary about staying in the marriage or leaving the marriage.

If you are a person facing this dilemma or know of someone who is, here are some pointed questions to help move more quickly through the decision making process:

1. Do you really want to save the marriage or are you just plain worn out? Does it seem that it would be much easier to just put up and tolerate the crazy kind of behavior you bump into with him? Are you emotionally fried and think of confronting him with your feelings and thoughts of ending the marriage as jumping into more emotional turmoil?

2. Do you really want to save the marriage or do you think you should hang in there for religious, moral or other “should” reasons? Most spouses who partner with those who can’t say no are very conscientious people. Is that you? Do you want to do the right thing? Are you willing to continue feeling the humiliation and facing the dangers because you believe you should stay in the marriage? Do convictions rather than practical and personal concerns dictate your decisions?

3. Do you really want to save the marriage or do you believe you should stay to protect the children? Do you think you are the only spouse who can care for the children? (You may be.) Or maybe your spouse cares deeply for the children and is a good parent. (That may be also.) Do you think that ending the marriage would make life immeasurably worse for your children? Do you fear for their welfare if you confront his behavior?

4. Do you really want to save the marriage or do you see absolutely no way out and are resigned to this marriage? You may experience a powerful pervasive feeling of being stuck. You may believe that you have tried everything and that it is in the best interest of everyone to stay where you are. Couple your weariness with your sense of being stuck and you may tolerate a great deal of disappointment and pain for the sake of the marriage.

5. Do you really want to save the marriage or do you see yourself as incapable of getting out? Your self-esteem may be at rock bottom. You may think of yourself as incapable of starting over, incapable of starting a new relationship, incapable of making the transition to a new life and incapable of making decisions on your own. It is not unusual for the spouse of someone who can’t say no to lose her sense of dignity and self-respect as he attempts to control, intimidate and dictate.

6. Do you really want to save the marriage or do you need to protect him? Do you see beyond what is there to him basic emptiness and fear? It’s there and you know it? Perhaps you fear what might happen to him if you do indeed leave? Will he be able to cope? What destructive path might he take next? So you hang in there, aware of his underlying pain and hope some day it will be addressed.

7. Do you really want to save the marriage or do you live in the fear that if you talk about leaving you will face danger? Perhaps you might face violence? You might face the emotional game playing at a new level of intensity? Does it seem wiser to hold back, not confront, not move toward change for fear of what he might say or do? Do you sometimes feel frozen with fear?

8. Do you really want to save the marriage or have you given no thought to how you might start over? This is a little different than the fear of starting over. Perhaps your life has been so wrapped around his or the care of your children that you have given little, if any, thought to you. Have you thought of your desires, your skills, your dreams, your hopes and your future apart from him? Or, apart from your children?

Take some time to seriously and thoughtfully address these questions. Once you do, you may experience a new found freedom to act and move in new ways.

Dr. Robert Huizenga, The Infidelity Coach, has helped hundreds of couples over the past two decades heal from the agony of extramarital affairs and survive infidelity. Visit his website at:


G Spot and Several Tips on Foreplay

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Feng Shui and Romance

by: Heidi Richards

Using the Ancient Art to Enhance Your Romantic Space

“If your love life needs a quick boost, you can use the art of placement to produce the romantic results you desire.” Heidi Richards

Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) is the ancient Asian practice of object arrangement and space planning designed to bring balance, harmony and well-being to your environment. Its purpose is to enhance prosperity, creative, health and romance. Feng Shui fortifies a home with positive energy known as chi. The attainment of positive chi is both an art and a blessing to those who manifest that chi. The word “feng” means wind and “shui” means water, each one associated with a good harvest and ultimate good health or good fortune.

If your love life needs a quick boost, you can use the art of placement to produce the romantic results you desire. Relationships need the proper environment to grow. They need the balance of the five elements, too much or too little will find the romance wither. Here are some Feng Shui tips to enhance your romantic space:

The first thing you must do is remove clutter out of your romance area (generally this is the bedroom). That means you must remove trash, dirty ashtrays, dead plants and nothing should be stored under the bed. Dust and cobwebs on the fans, walls, light fixtures and ceilings should be cleaned away.

Enhance your space with romance colors, such as shades of pinks, reds and whites. Guys, this does not mean it has to be feminine. You can use maroon, grayish tones of pinks and whites to achieve the same results. The key is to not use any one color so much that it overpowers the others. Other good colors include browns, beiges, lavenders, yellows and deeper shades of those are appropriate.

If you keep flowers in the room (an excellent way to attract romance into your life), make sure they are always fresh. At the first sign of wilting, toss them out. Silk flowers are an okay alternative, provided they are free of dust. Absolutely no dried flowers as they signify death. Also, make sure the roses are de-thorned. Nothing prickly such as cactus, unless your goal is to break-up.

In Feng Shui a Relationship Alter positively stimulates a relationship. Designate a special place in your romance area in which to put items that will encourage a healthy, loving relationship. Things to include in your relationship altar can include a heart shaped pink crystal quartz, a pair of candles, mandarin ducks.

Use the Pairs Principle to encourage love. That means two candles, two nightstands, two lights on top, two potted plants, two pillows, two chairs, etc. The Chinese symbol for love is Mandarin ducks. They signify love, romance, fidelity, affection, and loyalty in love.

Your bed should be placed in the commanding position of the room. This is to permit the widest possible vision. The door or entry to the room should be easily seen from the bed. And the head of the bed should be against a wall or against a corner. If you have nightstands, make sure one is on either side (a pair) and that the bed is accessible on three sides to attract and keep a partner. The bed should not be placed under a window.

The bedroom is for sleep and intimacy. No one should come into your room without your invitation. There should be no distractions such as workout equipment, a television, things that would remind you of work.

It is good to hang pink (heart-shaped) crystals and wind chimes in a sunny window to attract good love energy (yang).

Pictures of you as a child, your children or other relatives should also be removed from the bedroom or romance area. This space should be reserved for couples and should only display pictures of the two of you.

Dim lights will give the room a warm, inviting feeling. No harsh fluorescents or high wattage lighting, here.

While this is by no means the ultimate guide to Feng Shui for Romance, it is a good start. These ten tips will give your relationship area the boost it deserves and your romance the fulfillment it requires. Altar your space and you will altar your love life. If you want to know more about the ancient art of Feng Shui, there are many excellent resources listed below.

Recommended reading:

Feng Shui for Love & Romance by Richard Webster

Feng Shui DOS & Taboos for Love by Ana Ma Wong

The Complete Illustrated Guide to Feng Shui: How to Apply the Secrets of Chinese Wisdom for Health, Wealth and Happiness by Lillian Too

Build a Better Life Using Feng Shui: A Workbook and Guide for Applying Feng Shui in Your Environment by Debra Michie

About the author: Heidi Richards is the author of The PMS Principles, Powerful Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business and 7 other books. She is also the Founder & CEO of the Women’s ECommerce Association, International (pronounced wee-kī) – an Internet organization that “Helps Women Do Business on the WEB.” She can be reached at


Female Orgasm Myths Document

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Having a well-filled breast

by: Rachelle Arlin Credo

Having a well-filled breast is almost every woman's dream. In a society like ours where having big breasts is adored and given such emphasis, it is not surprising that every flat-chested woman desires to be well-endowed. Various breast enhancement products have come to the forefront that promise to give fuller breasts. But there's no proof that they really work.

"If these estrogens were powerful enough to be effective, the creams wouldn't be available over the counters," notes Seth Matarasso, M.D., an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California, San Francisco. "No pill can safely increase your breast size," says Kelly Shanahan, ob/gyn and author of "Your Over-35 Week-by-Week Pregnancy Guide". While nothing short of surgery will make your boobs look like that of Pamela Anderson's, there are less invasive options that can make a difference. Here's the ultimate guide to beautiful breasts at any age.

1. Exercise
Okay, so exercise won't add inches to your breasts. Breasts are largely fatty tissue and there's no exercise to grow fat. But exercise can make your breasts sit higher and more even on your chest because it builds up pectoral muscles directly below the breasts. This pushes the breasts outward giving them the appearance of being a bit larger. If you strengthen your back muscles, you can also improve your posture and make your chest look a hundred times better. Try to do the following exercise everyday to increase your breast size naturally and to firm them up:

a. The Push-ups:
This will help keep your chest muscles firm and toned. To do this, put your hands and knees on the floor with your back flat. Align your hands with your bust. Bend your arms and lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor. Then push yourself back up to the starting position. Hold this pose for a few seconds and then bend your arms again bringing your torso down a few inches to the floor. Repeat this ten times. On the second week, perform two full sets of ten repetitions. And on the third week thereafter, do three full sets every other day.

b. Modified Push-ups
This is akin to the push-ups mentioned earlier. The only difference is that instead of the hands and knees on the floor, the lower arms, the elbows and toes are placed against the floor. The torso is raised up but your lower arms and elbows and toes are kept on the floor.

c. The back extension
Back extensions strengthen your upper and lower back muscles, thus improving posture. To do this, after each set of push-ups, lie facedown on the floor, lift one arm and the opposing leg a few inches straight in the air simultaneously, and hold on for a count of ten. Do the move twice on each side.

d. Bench Press:
This is the best exercise for shaping and firming your bust line because aside from shaping and firming the bust line, it also sculpts the shoulders and tightens the triceps. To perform this exercise, lie flat on a bench, with one foot on each side of the bench touching the floor. Firmly press your head, shoulders, back and butt on the bench while sticking up your chest. Keep the dumbbells about 18-20 inches apart and parallel to the floor with your palms facing upwards. Slowly push the dumbbells straight up, away from your chest. Fully extend your arms but don't lock your elbows when arms are fully extended.
The dumbbells should now be approximately a few feet above your chest. Pause slightly at the top of the movement then slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position. Inhale and hold your breath as you lower the dumbbells. When they reach the chest, begin to move the weight upward again. Exhale as you pass the point of greatest resistance. Repeat this 8 to 12 times to complete one set. You can perform about 1 to 3 sets at a session and about 3 sessions per week with a day's rest between sessions.

e. Breast Press
Using two three-to-five pound dumbbells, sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight, arms at your sides. Lean forward slightly at your hips, and bend your elbows to 90 degrees, keeping the palms down. Raise your arms from the shoulders so your elbows reach shoulder level, your hands in front and to each side. Hold this position for a count of four, and then return to your start position. Repeat this ten times.

f. Arm Swings
While standing erect, swing your right arm clockwise for eight counts while the left arm rests at your side. Then let your right arm rest at your side and swing your left arm clockwise also for eight counts. Repeat this exercise on both arms only this time the movement is counter clockwise.

g. Stand-up Push-ups
Stand facing a wall at arm's length. Place palms on the wall. Push against the wall as if you were pushing it away, without bending arms at the elbow. Hold for eight counts and relax arms for eight counts. Repeat this eight to twenty times a day.

h. Apply Pressure
Massage the upper and outer area of your bust in circular motions applying gentle pressure. This helps stimulate circulation on the muscles and help tone the fatty tissue of the breasts.

2. The Perfect Boosting Bra
If your boobs appear sacked out on your rib cage or distinctively lopsided, maybe the problem is your bra. You'll get the sexiest support if you look for the following features:

a. Supportive cups
"If your breasts are saggy, they'll sit in the bottom of the sheer cup," says Stacey Ellis, a bra-fit specialist for Nordstrom. Look for a bra with lined cups that are slightly firm to touch.

b. A firm, solid back
Flimsy cotton and lace may not be strong enough to pull your breasts up. A bra with a wide, tightly woven back will help hoist you up in front.

c. Underwire
Underwire bras give a good lift to your busts because they provide good support underneath. Just make sure the wire surrounds the breast tissue and is a perfect fit to your breasts otherwise you'd be uncomfortable to wear them.

d. Padded bra
Padded bras don't just make your breasts appear bigger but they also provide added protection to your breasts from accidental nudges in public and crowded places.

3. Nutrition

Nutrition is one of the factors that influence the growth of breasts.

How you look reflects the things that you put in your body. If you want your breasts to look good, I recommend you exercise healthy food choices. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Women with poor diets tend to have smaller breasts while women who are overweight tend to have larger breasts. Also add Til or sesame seeds in your intake. They are known to be effective in firming the breasts of women because they contain calcium, protein, iron and phosphorous. The oil also can be applied on the breast to make it look less droopy.

Although having well-filled breasts makes a woman feel more confident about herself, the lack of breast tissue does not make her less than a woman. Beauty is not gauged on breast size alone. The truth is, most women look pretty in their own ways. But one of the biggest things that makes a person attractive is a positive attitude towards oneself and other people. People are easily drawn to women who exude such compelling influence, no matter what size of breasts they have. So, if you wanna attract more people, don't just focus on having bigger breasts and wanting what you don't have, instead work your way up with your self-esteem. At any rate, you will realize that you will be happier with a bigger self-esteem than a bigger boobs.

About the author:Rachelle Arlin Credo is an entrepreneur and relationship coach. She also works as an image consultant and part-time writer. Her stories, articles, essays and poetry have been published in various magazines and online publications. For more info, mailto: