Woman I know you understand The little child inside of the man, Please remember my life is in your hands And woman hold me close to your heart, However distant don't keep us apart, After all it is written in the stars...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Secret of Health & Beauty

by: G.J Bajaj


AMLA, proudly known as 'Indian Gooseberry' has been the key constituent of many Ayurvedic formulations. And nowadays, it has been accepted by almost all medical branches as a result of extensive research carried at Germany, England, India, and various other countries.

IN AYURVEDA, importance of Amla has been ascertained from the experiments and experiences of ancient Rishi-Munis of India, namely Charak, Chyavan, Atreya, Kartik, Vrat Koumudi, and many others. Amla is considered one of the strongest rejunevatives (rasayana), particularly for blood, bones, liver, heart and skin.

q SOURCE OF NATURAL VITAMIN C : Amla is exceptionally rich source of vitamin C and powerful anti-oxidant. 100 gm. of Amla contains about 700 mg. of vitamin C, which is thirty times the amount found in oranges.

q VITAMIN C : Vitamin C is essential for making 'Collagen' in the body. Collagen provides much of the framework in the cell or tissues, just as the skeleton provides the framework for the body. Thus, Vitamin C plays the vital role in growth and repair of tissues in ALL PARTS of human body, and hence it is useful for treatment as well as prevention of so many diseases. It enhances the overall immunity.
" When your immune system is strong,
You get sick less often, and recover quickly."

q POTENCY OF AMLA : Research has shown that Amla is 12 times more assimilable and creates more potent medicinal effect than synthetic vitamin C, known as Ascorbic acid. Researchers have also shown that just 8.7 mg of natural vitamin C from Amla is equivalent to 100 mg of synthetic vitamin C. The synthetic vitamin C is missing vital nutrients such as Rutin, Bioflavonoids and the "J" & "K" factors.

q MODERN SCIENCES: The modern sciences too, have accepted the supremacy of Amla towards imparting health and beauty, due to its very high vitamin C content.
q UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE researchers, published the result of their study, based on a single measurement of vitamin C in the blood of 19,496 individuals aged 45 to 79 state that : as concentrations of vitamin C in blood plasma went up, the risk of dying from all causes went down.

This report in the March 3, 2001 issue of 'Lancet' state that the risk of death from all causes including heart disease, cut in half for individuals who have highest levels of vitamin C in blood. In the findings of Dr. Kay Tee Khaw, the high blood levels of vitamin C were associated with a decreased risk for cancer.

q AN ANTIOXIDANT : Oxidation is removal of electrons from the molecular oxygen and to convert it to an active form called as 'oxidant'. It has a tendency to acquire electrons and damage most cell structures by releasing DNA damaging free radicals. The Vitamin C in Amla is a well-known antioxidant, which is able to inactivate DNA-damaging free radicals, by releasing oxygen electrons. Thus vitamin C in Amla prevents the abnormal growth of cells in all parts of body.

q H.L.NEWBOLD, in his book "VITAMIN C AGAINST CANCER", has interviewed four Noble Prize Winner scientists, and professors from some of the world's best-known medical centers. He reports the latest findings about vitamin C as a promising new weapon in the battle against cancer- not only for treatment, but also for prevention. Few lines between the covers of his book have been quoted below:

…. (Nobel Prize Winner) Dr. Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron began an experiment with 1100 terminally ill cancer patients. The results: the 100 patients taking vitamin C had lived four times as long as 1000 control patients who received no added vitamin C.

…. cholesterol is broken down and eliminated as bile acids. Vitamin C is beneficial to heart patients.

…Mr. Cameron said that in terminally ill cancer patients treated with vitamin C : not only their lives prolonged, but also the quality of their lives was greatly improved during the time they did live. This freedom from pain was most important for terminally ill cancer patients.

…We (human beings) cannot make our own vitamin C.
…one should not wait for the application of vitamin C until one gets ill. We should take it all the time.

…like oxygen and water, vitamin C is an indispensable part of the life of every living creature on this globe.

q PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES: Amla is not only a wonderful antioxidant, but it has proven anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-mutagenic, yeast inhibiting, nematicidal, anabolic, anti-hepatoxic, anti-hyperhidrosis, anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, anti-spasmodic, hypolipidemic, and hypotensive relieving properties. It also acts as an antacid and anti-tumorganic agent. In addition, it increases protein synthesis and thus useful in cases of hypoglycemia.

1. Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Intermittent fevers
2. Hyperacidity, Bilious vomiting, Gastritis
3. Ulcer, Jaundice, Hepatitis
4. Hemoglobin, Red blood cell count, Anemia
5. Cholesterol, Hypertension, Cardiac disorders
6. Diabetes
7. Ophthalmopathy, Cataract
8. Rheumatism, Osteoarthritis
9. Diarrhea, Dysentery
10. Gonorrhea, Spermatorrhea,
11. Sexual rejuvenation
12. Scurvy, Bleeding gums
13. Cancer
14. HIV
15. Heavy metal poisoning

1. Premature graying and hair loss
2. Skin diseases, wrinkles on skin
3. Obesity
4. Anti-aging

q RECOMMENDED DOSES : Daily intake of dietary vitamin C
(According to U.S. RDA), are listed below :

Infants age below 1 year : 30 to 35 mg
Children age 1 to 14 years : 40 to 50 mg
Adolescent age 15 to 18 years : 65 to 75 mg
Men age over 18 years : 90 mg
Women age over 18 years : 75 mg

In accordance with above chart, as a HEALTH FOOD & BEST DIETARY SUPPLEMENT, about one teaspoonfull of vitamin c rich, quality Amla Powder is sufficient for enhancing general immune system. Daily doses of powder can be adjusted with the age.

As we cannot make our own vitamin C, and the body excretes any excess of the same, the regular intake of herbal Amla Fruit Powder is highly recommended for all the people.

About the author:


Real Beauty Fitness

by: Ruby Boyd

Fitness and beauty can be one and the same. Being fit and healthy will automatically make you look better. A healthy inside creates a healthy outside. Fitness through exercise can help you to maintain a healthy body weight and improve muscle tone.

Our looks reflect the sum total of who we are and how we live, and the best we can do in life is to make the best of what nature has given is, without excuse, apology, or pretense. If we try to live otherwise, we find ourselves acting on a stage with other actors and actresses--great pretenders without real friends, without real lovers, without real relationships.

While we realize that there is such a thing as "natural beauty," which is beyond all standards of culture and history in some sense, there are also "relative" standards of beauty.

We all know about fads, styles, and adornments that are "in" one season and "out" the next. This includes cosmetics, hair styles, clothing, and even body weight and size.

These standards may vary from country to country, year to year, or even among different age groups in the same country and year.

For example, full figures are considered the ideal in some historical periods, but slender figures are valued now--at least in Western countries.

The point is that cultural standards change--and we may choose to follow or ignore them, because the cultivation of natural beauty is not dependent upon fads.

In order to get along harmoniously, whether at the level of dating, courtship, or marriage, men and women have to get past physical looks and into the more important qualities that make
up human relationships, such as kindness, friendship, and areas of mutual interest.

There is such a thing as a beautiful personality. There can be beauty in the way a person thinks. An attitude or smile can be beautiful. Love is certainly beautiful, and all of life is beautiful when we are in love.

A person is truly beautiful when he or she is healthy. Any disease or illness affects all parts of the body, sometimes for many years before the symptoms are manifested. If the body and mind are not healthy, then a person cannot feel or be truly attractive.

Good health brings a glow to the skin, a ring to the voice, a twinkle to the eye, and a spring to the step that no beauty school can teach.

About the Author

Ruby Boyd is the owner of Natural Health and Beauty website that offers information on how to achieve health and beauty fitness goals naturally.

You may contact me at:


The beauty of a rose

by: Rose DesRochers

There is an old English Proverb that goes like this a friend in need is a friend indeed. How true! Having a special friend you can turn to in good times and in bad is a beautiful and splendiferous thing. Leo F. Buscaglia said: "A single rose can be my garden...a single friend my world, “To illustrate this point, let me tell you a story about friendship.

The Beauty of a Rose

I was walking through the forest and through the bushes I heard weeping .I followed the sound of the soft cry until I arrived at a woman sitting upon the snow .Her eyes were filled with tears and her heart heavy from life. I sat upon the cold snow with her and I offered her my shoulder and my ears.

“What is your name”, she asked”. I smiled at her and I said, “My name is Faith, my middle name is hope and my last name is compassion. I saw a faint smile come upon her face as I asked her “what is your name? “ “My name is flower child and “I had given up on hope, faith was something I was loosing site of and I have no more compassion to give. “

I asked her if I may read her a poem and through the poem I showed her self-worth .That it was more important for her to have self worth for when she loved herself others would love her to. I showed her reality, that you can not save the world if people don’t or won’t listen. I spoke of how important it was to have a compassion for others.

I showed her praise, I praised her for staying strong when she had given up on faith. I showed her patience as this was something not easy for any of us. Things take time I told her. Sometimes people just don’t want to accept what is in front of them. I told her to please hang on that someday they may learn respect. I then said to her this you see flower child this is hope

We sat and talked awhile and I saw a smile come back through flower Childs eyes. I picked up a wild Rose that was laying there in the snow. I placed the rose it in her hand. It wasn't everyday you had roses in winter. This is friendship the most important of all things in our life. It is truly as rare as this rose in the snow. When you receive it cherish it and don't ever let it die.

Then I smiled, I handed her a piece of paper with my number on it and I walked away. She called me the next day and I heard join in her soft voice. She told me that she had thought of me and I truly lived up to my name. I think she found her faith, her hope and her compassion. She said she found it in me but I think she had it in her all along. But what she did not have was the friendship of a Rose or an earth angel to help guide her along

We all need someone in life to say I believe in you. Friendship is as rare as a rose in the snow. When you receive it cherish it don't let it ever die. Life is too short not to cherish those who show us compassion. Don’t let silly things stand in our way. For friendship is the beauty of a rose.



by: Arleen M. Kaptur

What is one feature that you can add to your home that will definitely increase its value not only monetarily? There is the ingredient of a “special place” to relax, to dream about tomorrow, and to slowly sip a cool, smooth drink on a hot, sticky day. Also, this is a great place to chat with the neighbors or visiting relatives, to admire the seasons, nature and its abundance of color and change, and to take a catnap when the need calls for one.

All of the above relate to something as simple as a porch. Whether it is on the back of the house, across the front of the home, or even to the side - there is so much value in having a porch. It can even do duty as a breakfast room where you start your day and anticipate what the day will bring over a cup of coffee.

It can be an elaborate structure with pillars and graceful archways or it can be as simple as a screen enclosure where you step out from the kitchen to the delight of the sunshine, the sweet smell of morning, and the sounds of the birds. Taking into consideration the type of home you have, you can then plan with size, material, and style. Whatever the final outcome is, the real statement will be the comfort and enjoyment a porch can bring. And if you add a porch swing - then you do have the makings of a wonderful place just outside of your home. If a porch swing is not in the plans, then a padded rocking chair, a few tables, assorted chairs, and plants will do the trick.

Porches are fun to decorate but they should never become just another convenient storage shed. They should be uncluttered, colorful and comfortable. There should be easy access to the home so that food and drink can be easily brought it and out. Porches can be three-season or year-round with a few extras added.

Whatever your budget allows, inspiration and imagination in decorating your porch take precedence. Wicker, wood, or other natural features are the most soothing and relaxing.
Bright, beautiful colors and a lot of windows or screens, if enclosed, to bring in the sight, sounds, and smells of the great outdoors. Accessories can be anything that helps provide a relaxing, comforting atmosphere.

There is one drawback to having a porch. The neighbors will take notice and start stopping by as they take a stroll in the evening breezes, and relatives will stay just a little bit longer. A porch is a great place for children to play and to entertain their friends.
Small tables so that games, puzzles, or other activities can be set up and a storage box for toys provides a lot of fun and entertainment, and mom is just a step away.

Whatever your budget or home style, a porch can be added that will delight and give you hours of pleasure. The size of the porch is not important, as long as there is space to stretch out and wile away the hours sipping that cool drink, dreaming, planning, or just taking in the beauty of your garden, your flowers, or the trees that line your street.

A porch opens up the world just a little more, and allows everyone to have the opportunity to stop, chat, and share the latest. It is a gathering place of great friends, conversation, and relaxation. It is well worth the time and effort because it will bring back more in home value, and personal value. It adds charm, comfort, and inspiration. It will become that special place where family and fun can be relished and cherished in a relaxed and soothing atmosphere.

Hope there’s a porch in your future! ENJOY!

About the Author

Arleen Kaptur has written numerous articles, how-to books, cookbooks, and the novel: SEARCHING FOR AUSTIN JAMES



by: Sharon Dalton Williams

Every morning I start my day with some quiet time in my office. I have a nice comfy recliner I curl up in with my cup of coffee. My chair faces the window to east, so every morning I get to watch the day dawn.

Some mornings I am there so early that the sun hasn't risen yet. I enjoy watching the stars twinkle in the pre-dawn. Slowly the sun begins to rise, and light begins to push back the darkness. The process is fascinating.

Some mornings I am treated to a spectacular sunrise scene. The colors bouncing off the nearby clouds give me a pleasing light show. I watch the colors change from pink to purple to orange to yellow.

Other mornings it's stormy outside, and all I see are storm clouds angrily racing across the sky. There's magnificence in the power of the storm as it marches through affecting everything around.

And then there are the mornings where nothing particularly spectacular is going on. The sky is clear, and as the sun rises, it quietly bursts forth onto the scene lighting the earth.

I sat there in my quiet chair enjoying the view outside my window recently and realized how blessed I am to look out the same window and see so many different skies. Each sky, so very different, has its own intrinsic beauty. The skies don't try to look like each other. They don't try to be anything they are not. They are different, and they are beautiful.

The dictionary defines difference as:

* The quality or condition of being unlike or dissimilar.
* A specific point or element that distinguishes one thing from another.
* A noticeable change or effect.
* Discrimination in taste or choice; distinction.

Each one of us is different. Each of us has our own personality, talents, gifts, and ideals. When we take what is uniquely us and use it to build our businesses, we end up with products or services that are noticeable, distinguished, and distinct. And there is tremendous beauty in that.

Don't try to be like everyone else you see. Take time to find out what your passion is and pursue it. Find that element in you that makes you stand out from the crowd and develop it. Do not be afraid to be unique. As you nurture your individuality, your business will be noticed because no one can do it just like you.

There is beauty in difference.

Sharon Dalton Williams is the author of "How to Succeed and Live a Full Life." Learn how to reach the goals you have set for your life and business. Surf to to order your copy. Learn how to use what is uniquely you in building your business. Subscribe to *Out From the Crowd.*


Best Beauty Buys For Summer

by: Sher Matsen

So many beauty products, which to buy? Each of us is different so our suggestions may not work for all but they are a good place to start. We've had 20 staff members test each product and then compiled their opinions to give you our 25 best beauty buys.

1. Sue Devitt Pencil Liner is nice and creamy with a velvety texture and is available in 10 shades

2. Mac Eye Shadow has a wide selection of colors. If the color is available from mother nature than Mac has it. Rich texture and blends easily

3. Revlon Eye Shadow is expensive and has a huge selection of shades. The colors are up todate and apply easily

4. Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara is dependable and affordable. Comes with a nice fine brush that grabs every eyelash and the formula is nice and rich and doesn't flake

5. Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Filler has a great color selection and applies easily with a brush

6. Stila Convertible Color Blush creates natural looking rosy cheeks. Creamy formula blends well producing a very natural look.

7. Revlon Skinlights Bronzer is inexpensive. It's rich and smooth texture is easy to apply and it is enriched with vitamins A, C, and E. Available in 6 shades and has a SPF15.

8. Tarte Cheek Stain is an oil free push up blush available in 5 natural tones.

9. Max Factor Erace Concealer is inexpensive with a sheer texture so it can be used around the eyes, but covers well enough to hide those more prominent imperfections.

10. Mac Pressed Powder is ultra translucent and you can be sure no shine will creep through.

11. Mac Lipstick is available in over 200 shades. They won't bleed and have a good lasting power.

12. Mario Badescu Lip wax is soothing and not waxy. It is enriched with Vitamins C & E and has a SPF15.

13. Lancome Juicy Tubes Lip Gloss can be worn by itself or layered over your lipstick, resulting in luscious glistening lips

14. Cetaphil Facial Cleanser is highly recommended by dermatologists. No perfumes or irritants, powerful mild cleansing.

15. Kinara Lactic Acid facial Exfloiator is a light hydrating serum that easily absorbs into the skin. Non abrasive exfoliant that cleans deep

16. Olay Regnerist Anti Wrinkle Cream is enhanced with pentapeptides and amino acids that encourage production of collagen for firmer skin.

17. Lancome Heavy Duty Moisturizer is a nonsticky cream that contains glycerin, wild yam extract, sea algae, and soy restore moisture.

18. Dove Facial Cleanser is mild and easily rinses away makeup and oil leaving skin feeling fresh and clean

19. Aveeno Facial Moisturizer is an excellent emoillience but it is scented. Oil-free lotion enriched with skin softening soy extract

20. Murad Acne Kit consists of 4 steps - cleanser with triclosan and salicylic acid to fight bacteria, pore cleaning gel with glycolic and salicylic acids, exfoliating lotion with retinol, and spot treatment with sulphur

21. Kiehl's Blue Herbal Pimple Healer Spot Treatement is a fast acting blemish fighting gel. Contains Salicylic acid, and glycolic acid as well as herbal incredients such as cinnamon bark and ginger root

22. Lancome Eye Makeup Remover will even remove waterproof mascara. Very gentle so perfect for sensitive skin

23. L'Oreal Home Microdermabrasion is a two part system. Smooth skin with aluminum oxide crystals and moisturize with vitamin E cream

24. Neutrogena T/Gel Dandruff Shampoo is soothing and calms the scalp eliminating flakes and relieving itchy scalp

25. Pantene Pro V Overall Conditioner is inexpensive and hairstylists say its great. Frizz fighting rich nourishing formula rich in vitamins is easily absorbed by the hair

© Copyright Sher Matsen, All Rights Reserved.

About the author:
Sher has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.


Simple Beauty - 10 Tips that are Free and Easy

by: Marie Gervacio

It is simple to look and feel more beautiful starting today. You can even put away your pocketbook because these tips are free.

1. Smile... it will brighten your day and others around you will feel your energy.

2. Stretch... cats know that total body stretch does wonders. Follow their example and roll up slowly out of bed and stretch gently. (For more tips on stretching here is a great book: AM/ PM Stretch for Health.)

3. Exercise... at least 20 mins of any continuous activity will boost your energy level and reduce bad stressors. You don't even to pay a membership fee. The key is continuous like a 20min walk or even mopping your floors. You will look and feel better.

4. Drink water. No other liquid is quite like it. Clear your system. 8 glasses are recommended daily. Your skin will radiate.

5. Rest... you need to take breaks during the day and sleep at night. Takes breaks away from work space to keep fresh and focused. Make sure you are getting sufficient sleep at night since your body regenerates while you are sleeping. If you are constantly letting your mind wonder make a conscious decision to put away thoughts till morning. It is amazing how good your subconscious mind listens to your conscious mind (so be careful what you tell yourself)

6. Do good. When you do something for someone else without expecting anything in return you benefit in ways unimaginable. (the key is don't expect anything in return)

7. Exchange... the money you spend on junk food for food that will enrich your body and soul. Start with a simple plan of exchange. Because some think healthy foods cost more, find out your spending pattern by making 2 lists:

. foods you like that are healthy that you normally don't buy

. foods you like that are "junk food" that you normally buy

calculate the cost of the 2nd list then use this amount to fund your "healthy" purchase. (of course you have to say bye-bye to the "junk food")

8. "Stop and smell the roses". Look for good in everything. This is a toughie because most of us are "trained" to look for faults, errors, shortcomings, defects, etc. Begin with yourself. List all your assets (not just physical). Then realize all the good in being you. Move on to other things around you. Work on this consciously every day till it becomes a habit. There is something good about everything and everyone. Once you realize this you will be finding good everywhere without even trying.

9. Learn... something new every day. Pick up a book. or search online. Learn to do something you have always wanted to do. You can even start for free by researching online. Search the subject and start stimulating and enriching your mind today.

10. Reward yourself. Set financial and personal goals and tag them with rewards for accomplishing them. (this one may be something special you have always wanted to do. and not necessarily a purchase.. But if you have done all the above maybe go ahead and splurge a little. You deserve it!

About the Author
Marie Gervacio is founder and editor of , and Get free info and downloads on beauty at


The Truth About Beauty

by: Janice Wee

What's with this fascination with beauty?

The demand for beauty services in spite of the economy?

Even when there is a recession, beauty parlours still flourish. Beauty products still fly off the shelves.

There is this saying that beauty is skin deep.

Then again, first impressions count.

Put it this way. Beauty is power. That was true centuries ago. That is true today.

When a beautiful woman walks into a bar, men flock to her and offer to buy her drinks. When an unattractive woman walks into the same bar, chances are, she would have to buy her own drinks.

A beautiful salesperson, man or woman is more likely to win the sale. Between a beautiful job seeker and an unattractive one, all other things being equal, the employer is likely to choose the good looker.

Like it or not, looks do count.

In the past, when women were dependent on men to support them, beauty was everything to a woman. A beautiful woman would have more suitors. She would be able to marry up. To marry a rich man who could take care of all her financial needs and that of her children. Long before commercial cosmetics existed, mothers would instruct their daughters on traditional beauty remedies. Simple beauty remedies like using mayonnaise as a moisturizer, or egg white as a firming mask were often used by women in the days before commercial cosmetics.

Then along came women entrepreneurs like Estee Lauder and other women from around the world. They converted traditional beauty recipes which worked for themselves into beauty creams that they sold to other women. Every woman has a right to look her most beautiful and these women were selling others their beauty secrets.

Women all over the world are willing to suffer for the sake of beauty. Long ago, in China, women in wealthy families would bind their feet. The Chinese back then view tiny feet as beautiful, so little girls have their feet bound, to prevent them from growing big and ugly. Now that long legs are considered beautiful, some women go through a very painful medical procedure that breaks their legs, and stretches their legs by a few millimeters a day through a painful device until they attain the height they want. With their newfound height, these girls can look forward to a wealthy, glamorous future as an international model.

In Europe, centuries ago, wasp waists and curvy bodies were considered beautiful, so corsets were worn to make the waist look much smaller. These were tied so tightly that women faint easily. All for the sake of beauty. Now, corsets are in again. These days, women and men subject themselves to surgery to attain the beauty they desire. Liposuction to remove the excess fat to contour the body. Breast augmentation for bigger breasts that are considered beautiful. Nose jobs, face lifts, the works.

Both men and women even have poison (botox) injected into their faces to paralyze their facial muscles in order to erase the expression lines we know as wrinkles.

There is also a return to natural beauty remedies. This time, commercial cosmetics use natural ingredients that women have used in centuries in the home beauty preparations.

With modern advances, beauty preparations are more effective than ever. Even doctors have developed their own skin care ranges. Acne can be a thing of the past with some of the latest acne treatments. Some doctors, both dermatologists and general practitioners offer facials which treat most of today's skin problems very effectively. After all, beauty is skin deep. Healthy skin is beautiful.

There is wisdom in the old ways women took care of their looks. Fresh food, exercise, plenty of water, plenty of sleep, soap and water. That's all the women in the olden days had in their beauty routine. These days, add a good sunscreen worn every day to protect your skin from the sun. A good toner, cleanser and moisturizer, a regular scrub and mask and you are done.
About the Author

The writer is the webmaster of Cosmetics Online , where you can find cosmetics, skincare, makeup and all the beauty products from your favourite beauty brand.


Best Beauty Buys

by: Sher Matsen

So many beauty products, which to buy? Each of us is different so our suggestions may not work for all but they are a good place to start. We’ve had 20 staff members test each product and then compiled their opinions to give you our 25 best beauty buys.

1. Sue Devitt Pencil Liner is nice and creamy with a velvety texture and is available in 10 shades

2. Mac Eye Shadow has a wide selection of colors. If the color is available from mother nature than Mac has it. Rich texture and blends easily

3. Revlon Eye Shadow is expensive and has a huge selection of shades. The colors are up todate and apply easily

4. Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara is dependable and affordable. Comes with a nice fine brush that grabs every eyelash and the formula is nice and rich and doesn’t flake

5. Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Filler has a great color selection and applies easily with a brush

6. Stila Convertible Color Blush creates natural looking rosy cheeks. Creamy formula blends well producing a very natural look.

7. Revlon Skinlights Bronzer is inexpensive. It’s rich and smooth texture is easy to apply and it is enriched with vitamins A, C, and E. Available in 6 shades and has a SPF15.

8. Tarte Cheek Stain is an oil free push up blush available in 5 natural tones.

9. Max Factor Erace Concealer is inexpensive with a sheer texture so it can be used around the eyes, but covers well enough to hide those more prominent imperfections.

10. Mac Pressed Powder is ultra translucent and you can be sure no shine will creep through.

11. Mac Lipstick is available in over 200 shades. They won’t bleed and have a good lasting power.

12. Mario Badescu Lip wax is soothing and not waxy. It is enriched with Vitamins C & E and has a SPF15.

13. Lancome Juicy Tubes Lip Gloss can be worn by itself or layered over your lipstick, resulting in luscious glistening lips

14. Cetaphil Facial Cleanser is highly recommended by dermatologists. No perfumes or irritants, powerful mild cleansing.

15. Kinara Lactic Acid facial Exfloiator is a light hydrating serum that easily absorbs into the skin. Non abrasive exfoliant that cleans deep

16. Olay Regnerist Anti Wrinkle Cream is enhanced with pentapeptides and amino acids that encourage production of collagen for firmer skin.

17. Lancome Heavy Duty Moisturizer is a nonsticky cream that contains glycerin, wild yam extract, sea algae, and soy restore moisture.

18. Dove Facial Cleanser is mild and easily rinses away makeup and oil leaving skin feeling fresh and clean

19. Aveeno Facial Moisturizer is an excellent emoillience but it is scented. Oil-free lotion enriched with skin softening soy extract

20. Murad Acne Kit consists of 4 steps – cleanser with triclosan and salicylic acid to fight bacteria, pore cleaning gel with glycolic and salicylic acids, exfoliating lotion with retinol, and spot treatment with sulphur

21. Kiehl’s Blue Herbal Pimple Healer Spot Treatement is a fast acting blemish fighting gel. Contains Salicylic acid, and glycolic acid as well as herbal incredients such as cinnamon bark and ginger root

22. Lancome Eye Makeup Remover will even remove waterproof mascara. Very gentle so perfect for sensitive skin

23. L’Oreal Home Microdermabrasion is a two part system. Smooth skin with aluminum oxide crystals and moisturize with vitamin E cream

24. Neutrogena T/Gel Dandruff Shampoo is soothing and calms the scalp eliminating flakes and relieving itchy scalp

25. Pantene Pro V Overall Conditioner is inexpensive and hairstylists say its great. Frizz fighting rich nourishing formula rich in vitamins is easily absorbed by the hair

These products are great choices to keep you looking great!


Beauty Today: All Smoke and Mirrors?

by: Danna Schneider

Did you ever notice that the bar is continually being raised on exactly what physical characteristics define beauty? As I sit in front of the TV, I am bombarded by beauties with pouty lips, perfect bone structure, flawless skin, more "voluptuous" upper regions, size 2 waists, and hair that resembles spun silk. Take these same beauties and plop them back in time 20-30 years, when the advent of modern cosmetic technology had not even begun to reach its full potential. Do you think they would have had those same attributes you find yourself longing for when faced with these images? My guess is probably not, or at least not to the same extent.

True, genetics play a role in physical beauty, but with the likes of total "extreme" makeover reality TV (The Swan, Extreme Makeover, Dr. Beverly Hills) and abundant publicity, we see that beauty and cosmetic improvement can now be achieved by a few thousand dollars and a good plastic surgeon. Not only that, but cosmetics in general are now so technologically advanced, you can improve your looks by personal makeup application and home treatments.

There are now do-it-yourself cosmetic treatments such as home microdermabrasion kits, chemical peels, "botox" creams and gels, teeth whiteners, hair removal treatments, cellulite treatments, professional hair straighteners and colors, self tanners, lip enlargers, acne treatments, and the list goes on and on ( ). Cosmetics marketers and science have joined forces to give women everything they ever wanted to be their most beautiful, and feel better about themselves. Women are benefitting by so many companies competing for a piece of these fairly new markets by lower, more competitive prices.

Not only are there new breakthroughs in the world of cosmetic science, but there are constantly new studies and discoveries in the field of nutrition, fitness, and wellness. Combine this with the new wave of technologically advanced cosmetics, supplements, and treatments, and you've got a recipe for a healthier, longer, more satisfying life for those of us who decide to take advantage of the advanced knowledge of our time.

So, does your desire to be your best and most beautiful self make you shallow, less credible, or somehow jeopardize your feminist agendas? Unless you've somehow compromised your integrity, morals, or core beliefs along the way, the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT! As long as you are not putting yourself at high risk for physical harm, obsessing endlessly, or spending your life savings, investing time and money into your beauty ultimately is an investment in your well being, self esteem, and many times, mental and physical health. Feeling beautiful is part of what makes us women. Come on, it's just plain FUN to experiment with different looks and different products! It feels good to be noticed, and when you feel beautiful, you tend to radiate confidence and power. It is inherent in our nature to want to feel feminine and look and feel our best, and there is nothing wrong with it, as long as it is not all-consuming.

As a self-proclaimed "product junkie", I can attest that many of these newly engineered products really do work, as I have tried nearly all of them in the quest to look and feel my best. I can't wait to see what they'll come out with next, as every new product seems to top the last. Hey, women have come a long way, and we deserve to feel sexy and confident - beyond smoke and mirrors!

Danna Schneider is the webmaster of the beauty review and advice website ( ). She is a cosmetics and beauty product researcher and enthusiast.